A Five Year Old Taught Me About Life

Life is simple in the Philippine rain forest.  Most people live in bamboo walled, thatched roof huts. There’s no electricity or clocks or cars. Life is simple. That’s where I learned a life-lesson from a five year old.

Children in those villages don’t see many Americans.  When they do, they squeal with delight, “Americano!” “Americano!” My reply, taking their delight to the next level,  would always be, “Filipinos!” “Filipinos!”

On one of my church planting trips to the region many years ago, I heard “Americano!” This time, it was lone little boy. I decided it would be fun to turn the tables on him so I said in his dialect, “No. I’m not an American. I am a Filipino. You are an American!“ He was confused at first. It didn’t take him long to rebound. “No,” he corrected, “I’m a Filipino. You are an Americano!

We went back and forth several times until this five year old genius stopped, thought for a moment, pointed to us both and said, “Ipugao.” This single, simple word, stopped me dead in my tracks;ipugao means person.

I grew up in the richest nation on Earth. He grew up in a remote corner of one of the poorest. I traveled thousands of miles by plane, bus and four wheel drive truck to get there. He had never even seen an airplane or traveled more than a mile from home. I’m Caucasian. He was Malay.  In that moment none of that mattered.  We were both simply people. People who’s lives crossed paths for only a few moments in time. People for whom Jesus gave His life.

Since that day, when I find myself with someone from a different background or who has a different value system than me; I remember that little boy. Whatever is different about us, at the end of the day, we are simply people who need Jesus.

I haven’t led everyone I’ve ever met to Jesus; not by a long shot. But by beginning from common ground I know my chances of helping them meet Him are dramatically better.  I also know, I’m the richer when I treat everyone I meet, simply as ipugao. After all, that’s what Jesus does.

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