Strategic Planning for the Local Church

To many people, Strategic Planning sounds more like a corporate process than a spiritual one. The truth is it can be one of the most spiritually empowering things any local church can do! Here are some of the FAQ’s.

 1. What is a strategic plan?

A well-crafted strategic plan identifies 5 to 6 God-sized ministry initiatives God is calling your church to fulfill in the coming 3 to 5 years. eg. Develop a process for discipleship. Identify the role of small groups. Develop and implement a plan for becoming more missional.

2. What are the benefits of a strategic plan?

The benefits are too many to count! Here are a few.

– It leads to unity.

The process creates “ownership and unity” among those who helped craft the plan and ultimately the entire congregation. Unity releases the power of the Holy Spirit needed to accomplish the God-sized goals you’ve set. (Not to mention, there is always a vocal minority in any church who won’t like the plan. The unity developed through the strategic planning process renders the nay-sayers virtually mute!)

– It focuses resources.

Every church has limited resources; i.e. human, financial, time, facilities, etc. A strategic plan helps your church focus its resources on the specific things God is calling you to accomplish.  This minimizes wasted resources and maximizes effective use of resources.

– It raises resources.

Dedicated followers of Jesus want to give their time, talents and treasures to something that eternally matters. A strategic plan gives church members a significant reason to give—and they do. A capital campaign designed to fund a well-developed strategic plan will often raise 1 to 1.5 times your current annual income over a three year period.  Believe it or not, it also raises the percentage of church members who tithe.

– It creates excitement that produces momentum.

When church members have a clear vision of where they are going—and leaders regularly bring stories that show the goals are being accomplished—people get excited. Some of the most dynamic and exciting services I’ve ever led were days when we received a offering to fund a strategic plan!

3. How do I establish a strategic plan?

– Gather key leaders and influencers.

Building a strategic plan begins by giving church leaders the opportunity to identify the church’s current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

– Gather a small group of key leaders.

Identify 5 or 6 long term goals designed to leverage the strengths, shore up the weaknesses, go after the opportunities and overcome the threats identified in the SWOT process.

– Develop a process for rallying the congregation around the plan.

4. How do we ensure (measure) if our organization is on track with the implementation of the plan?

– Set annual tactical goals.

The Strategic Plan is a 3 to 5 year plan. Each year, one year tactical goals are set that move you a step closer to fulfilling the overall strategic plan.

– Establish a “goal keeper” for each goal.

One leader accepts responsibility to monitor and report progress toward the fulfillment of each of the strategic goals.

– Celebrate annually.

Hold an annual congregational meeting that celebrates the victories of the previous year and presents the goals for the coming year.

5. What is the role of a consultant in strategic planning?

– Strategic planning requires a unique skill set.

Most pastors are well-equipped to preach the Word, give Godly council and shepherd the flock. Bible Colleges and seminaries don’t typically teach them how to lead a SWOT process and design strategic and tactical goals from it.

– Pastor as spectator.

Even when the pastor has strategic planning skills, church leaders often find it difficult to be open about church weaknesses when the pastor is leading the discussion.

– Profound wisdom comes from outside not inside.

When I lead a consulting process I always ask the senior pastor, “What is God telling you?” I can often say the same thing the pastor has been saying, but it just sounds different when it comes from a outside expert.

6. How do I get started developing our church’s strategic plan?

– Contact the Acts 2 Network office at or  757.606.1400 today. We’ll custom design a process for your church!

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